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Ͼ ҉ 韓國鳯山放蕩者面具掛飾 ҉ Ͽ
ୢ Korean Bongsan Drunkard decorative Mask ୢ

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҈自朝鮮的高麗時代開始,韓國各地都流行一種名為「處容」(Tal chum)的面具舞劇。處容起初是農間巫當(即巫師)在酬神和伏魔時所跳的舞蹈,之後慢慢演變成平民百姓在端午節等大節慶時的民間藝術。




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҈ Tal chum is a mask dancing tradition of Imperial Korea,which are popular among farming societies during the Goryeo period. At first, it was a kind of ritual dance performed by Wudang(Shamans).Using mask as a medium to communicate with gods. The form of mask dancing have slowly developed into a folklore opera usually being perform at festive celebrations.

҈ To mock and satire the corrupted upper class is one of the diagnostic property of Tal chum dances.Directly reflecting the anger and grudging of grassroots.

҈ The mask in the picture represents the Drunkard (chwibari). In the drama, a very holy monk abandons his doctrines and seduces a shaman girl. Later, a drunkard appears and, challenging the monk, wins the girl for himself.  After she bears his baby, she abandons him, and chwibari undertakes to educate his child himself. To bring out the message of”Good and evil will always be rewarded, it is only a question of time”.

҈ Gods and deities’ appearances are not popular in Talchum mask designs.Most of the mask are presenting the faces of ordinary people.Using paper mache and wood as the source material. In order to present and amplify the perception of the characters,faces are usually decorated with bright colors,facial features are asymmetric or even twisted.

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Ͼ ҉ 韓國鳯山放蕩者面具掛飾 ҉ Ͽ ୢ Korean Bongsan Drunkard decorative Mask ୢ

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