W h a t i s ''P u l i m a'' ?

P u l i m a 在台灣排灣族語言中解作「多手的人」,意指手藝精湛的人。同時為工匠與藝術家的代稱。
P u l i m a . s t o r e 是工作坊也是選物店
原住民工藝 / 原住民草藥 / 民族樂器 / 古書珍書 / 世界音樂唱片 / 刺繍 / 篆刻 / 怪異玩具 / 奇花異草
'Pulima' is a Paiwan(Taiwan Indigenous People) word.Literal meaning is ‘Many Hands’ referring to 'skillful handcrafters'. It also served as a pronoun of craftsmen and artists.
Pulima.store, is an atelier and a select shop focusing on Anthropology,Ethnology,Archeology and Indigenous art . We hope to share our world view and aesthetics through the products we create and gather.
Indigenous & Folk Art / Shamanic Herbs / Ethnic Musical Instruments Antique & Rare Books / World Music Records / Hand Embroidery / Seal Carving / Odd Toys / Exotic Plants