神話の人々 タイ山岳民族の染織工芸 People of Myth: Textiles and Crafts of the Golden Triangle
Introducing the Costume and jewelry from the hill tribes of Golden Triangle. Illustrating the ethnographic textiles and the cultures behind by 350+ fine photos.
Detailed information on the Lisu, Lahu, Akha, Karen, L'wa, Pa Lown, Kaya, Pa Dawn, Meo, Yao, and Phi Tong Luang cultures
Author: カノミ タカコ Takako Kanomi
Publisher : 紫紅社
ISBN-13: 978-4879405159
Hard cover with Carton box shield - 351 pages
Language: 日本語
Date of issue: 1991/4/113
Size : 32.2 x 23.6 x 4.2 cm